Single Sensor

Providing an accurate status of your battery bank


A single sensor solution is a typical installation of any Battery Monitoring device on the market – except we think BatMon is better (and cheaper).

Installing BatMon on your battery system ensures you have an accurate view of how many Amp Hours (Ah) your system has remaining. In addition to that BatMon will tell you the voltage of your battery system and the temperature where BatMon is.

We also tell you instantly what the maximum and minimum values are (and when they happened) which is useful for quickly fault-finding issues.

In addition to all that you can also download the history data from the onboard flash memory on BatMon and view a graph of the data you want – for example, view the battery current usage over the past few days or months.

Geeky Details if you’re that way inclined…

BatMon Samples the onboard sensors four times a second. We found that is the optimum sample rate for power efficiency versus getting an accurate Amp Hour measurement.

We save the samples to flash memory every 5 seconds (default) but this can be changed easily. The larger the interval for saving to flash memory then the longer time interval can be stored. So, for example, if you have a camper van that you never leave unattended for longer than three months, then keep the default. If you have a boat in harbour that you may not get to very often, then change the storage interval to ensure your history covers longer durations.

The flash memory storage is on a circular buffer – naturally.