About Us

Monitor of Things are a company formed by software and hardware engineers who are passionate about the Internet of Things and Off-Grid living

Formed in the United Kingdom in 2019, a group of ex work colleagues were in the pub discussing their challenges of off grid living in their camper vans.

Keeping food and drinks cold, keeping family warm, keeping accessories charged while having the battery power to do it and having the ability to fault find problems which were all too common seemed to be the popular themes.

How do we use technology to solve these problems we asked ? What is on the market now?

Whatever solution we chose had to be family friendly and not use terms like float and bulk!

So, the Monitor of Things was formed to build a solution. Not a solution that only solved half our problems – our solution – BatMon.

Monitor of Things Company Roadmap

The company has been in stealth mode developing its flagship product BatMon.

Having gone through six hardware prototypes and two rounds of customer trials we feel the product is now in a place where we can sell it.

However, our mobile applications are still in development and we are seeking funding to ensure we can create global iOS and Android applications for individual use in off grid solutions - our ultimate goal.

If you or your business feel like BatMon is an exciting product and would like to invest or partner in some way then please don't hesitate to contact us at investors@monitor-things.com